Cure Collective

ActewAGL Commodities -Arresting the decline in market share.

Year-on-year ActewAGL achieved a 160% increase in new customers and a 63% reduction in the cost of acquisition.

The energy industry was, and still is, experiencing a time of enormous change and significant challenges.

As a local provider, ActewAGL faced increased competition from national players and needed to find a way to differentiate, actively engage with the audience and arrest their declining market share.

The approach

In order to move quickly, the decision was made to operate under a largely outsourced marketing model working in conjunction with a small internal team. With no time to spare, all available research and data was leveraged to gain insight into customers and the market.

Agile ways of working were established to help prioritise the tasks, create accountability and promote continuous improvement. A brand refresh was undertaken to create an emotional connection with customers and allow for creativity in storytelling. Simplified key messages helped bring ActewAGL back into the consideration set. An acquisition marketing model was established to enable the team to test, measure, learn and iterate quickly, optimising every touchpoint for conversion.

ActewAGL logo with 'LIVE A Good Life' text over a nighttime cityscape.
Three people celebrating with glowing green light effects in a lively bar setting.
The results
ActewAGL achieved the twelve-month goal in just seven months. Year-on-year results include:
  • 160% increase in new customers.
  • 263% increase in online customers.
  • 63% reduction in the cost of acquisition.
The ActewAGL LIVE A Good Life marketing program was recognised as a national finalist in the Acquisition Marketing category at the 2023 Australian Marketing Awards for Excellence